Bizarre Oddities: The Secret World Of Human Puppies – Transgender Craze, Now Trans Species Craze
Video: Holly And Phillip Meet The Human Puppy | This Morning
Tom Peters sacrificed his relationship to continue being a human puppy. He’s joined by his ex-fiancée Rachael Watson to explain what his lifestyle entails.
WTF Is Pup Play?
This Is From 2 years ago: A Man Says He Tries to Live Life Like a Dog — Dr. Phil
This Is From 5 Years Ago: Guy Lives HIs LIfe As a Dog
This Guy Thinks The World Is Going To End Because Of This Trans Species Craze
Want More…..Trans-Species Men Claim “Puppy Identity” And Live As Dogs
Tags: Bizarre Oddities, Human Puppies, Transgender Craze Trans Species Craze, Trans Species