Brussels Terror Attacks: Israel Again Targets Europe

At least 37 people have been killed and several seriously injured in the coordinated terror attacks at Brussels international airport and a city metro station, which took place today. The state-owned Belga news agency reports that shots were fired and shouts in Arabic were heard before the two explosions. The attacks come four days after Salah Abdeslam, the main fugitive in the Paris attacks, was seized in Belgium.
French President Francois Hollande said, “The terrorists have struck Belgium, but it is Europe that was targeted.”
Belgium’s Interior Minister Jan Jambon had said on Monday that the country was on the highest level of alert for possible revenge attacks after the capture of Salah Abdeslam. He told Belgian radio: “We know that stopping one cell can… push others into action. We are aware of it in this case.’
As yet there has been no claim of responsibility, but according to jihadi watcher Michael Horowitz, a security analyst at the Levantine Group, social media accounts linked to Islamic State militants (ISIS or ISIL) have praised the attacks. The daily, Express also pointed out ISIS behind Brussels blasts.
However, we cannot blame Israel for the Brussels terror attacks without some solid reasons. In this regard, first of all, it is notable that regarding a case in the court, a judge always wants solid evidence to give his verdict. While a lawyer or advocate always defends the case of his client at every cost. Sometimes, reality of the event exists, but there is no solid evidence which could be produced in the court. It gives benefit of doubt to the accused who is set free by the concerned court. Even, in some cases, a judge is so impressed by the arguments of a lawyer that he ignores the circumstantial evidence. Quite contrarily, in international politics, we need in-depth analysis to know the real entity, as in relation to the Brussels blasts.
As regards terrorism, Machiavelli advises the rulers to have a lion-like image outwardly, and act upon the traits of goat inwardly. He also suggests them foreign adventures and the use of terror to obtain their goals. In his sense, a good ruler should be a good opportunist and hypocrite. While echoing Machiavelli, Morgenthau points out that sometimes, rulers act upon immoral activities like deceit, fraud, falsehood and even murder to fulfill their selfish aims.
Indicating double game, Morgenthau, and Palmer and Perkins opine, “Just as power became the instrument of ambitious nationalism and state’s leaders, it has now become the tool of ideologies. The true nature of the policy is concealed by ideological justifications and rationalization.”
If the double game of President Bush (The Senior) and George W. Bush franchised Al-Qaeda on global level, President Obama’s dual policy franchised both Al-Qaeda and ISIS as part of the anti-Muslim campaign and left no stone unturned in advancing the agenda of the Zionists, Israeli lobbies and the neoconservatives in the pretext of global war on terror. Secretly, Obama authorized CIA to create ISIS. His perennial covert support to the Israeli atrocities on the Palestinians, silence over the supply (Smuggling) of oil by ISIS to some European countries whose governments have also not taken action against those companies which are exporting oil from the ISIS-controlled regions of Iraq, CIA-assisted Al-Qaeda (Al-Nusra Front) and ISIS militants in Syria, continued sectarian violence and prolonged engagement of its troops (NATO) in Afghanistan might be cited as instance. By continuing the secret strategy of his predecessor—occupation of Afghanistan and Iraq, Obama-led Administration went on with various techniques of ruthless terror and extrajudicial killings of the innocent persons—assisting undemocratic forces, toppling the elected government in Egypt, and like Iraq, creation of more failed states such as Libya, Syria, Yemen etc., opening the doors for Al-Qaeda and ISIS militants to establish Israel’s supremacy in the Middle East in particular and the world in general.
In this respect, the US President Barrack Obama, the neoconservatives and the Zionist-lobbies who have been backing the different war for a greater Israel, at cost of the Muslim World and the loyalist Americans were badly frustrated by unexpected developments after the September 30, 2015 such as Russian successful airstrikes on the ISIS targets in the northern Syria and Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, its coalition with Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon-based Hezbollah in support of Syrian President Assad, US Defense Department’s announcement to abandon the goal of training the Syrian rebels, retreat of the CIA-supported rebels and mercenaries after their failure to topple the Assad government, proving links of Al-Qaeda and ISIS with America and Israeli, Putin’s clear-cut statement, indicating the Zionist regime in the US and Israel for their “phony war on ISIS”, and remarking, “NWO (New World Order) agents and Satan worshipers simply have no clothes,” including the first Vienna meeting where the US Secretary of State John Kerry agreed to keep the Syrian president in power, not to allow ISIS militants group to reign in Syria, absence of Israel in the meeting and America’s decision of sending 50 special forces to Syria to help in taking down ISIS terrorists had clearly exposed the covert aims of the US global war on terror.
Meanwhile, some other developments such as decision of the Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to withdraw Canadian fighter jets from the US-led mission against ISIS, British Prime Minister David Cameron’s announcement to abandon plans to carry out airstrikes against ISIS positions in Syria, after his failure to receive support from Labour MPs, reluctance of NATO countries to support America’s fake global war on terror and acceptance of Syrian refuges by the European countries, especially Germany, the EU rule to boycott goods produced in Israeli settlements on the West Bank, including US internal problems like curtailment of liberties, failure of the of Obamacare, leakage of Transpacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), (An agreement to suppress sovereign democratic rights in favour of multinational corporations), criticism of Hilary Clinton about contributions of election-campaign from Wall Street backers etc. had disappointed the Obama Administration. While in wake of the election-campaign, Republicans and American public was also criticizing the government of Democrats and CIA for America’s (NATO) longest war in Afghanistan, facing defeatism, useless proxy wars under the cover of global war on terror and US heavy cost of war which caused serious financial crisis, adding to the dilemmas of Americans.
These developments had also frustrated Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu who also evolved a new theory of the Holocaust to get the sympathies of the US-led western entities, particularly, Europe by revealing, “Hitler didn’t want to exterminate the Jews, he wanted to expel the Jews…a World War II-era Palestinian leader, the Mufti of Jerusalem, Nazi sympathizer, Haj Amin al-Husseini convinced Hitler to adopt their final solution to exterminate Jews.”
It is of particular attention that on January 7, 2015, two Islamic militants attacked the office of French satirical weekly newspaper Charlie Hebdo in Paris, and killed 13 people on January 9, 2015. Two brothers namely Said and Cherif Kouachi suspected for the incident were killed in a shootout with Police—in a hostage-taking situation at a signage company in Dammartinen-Goele where some people were also targeted. Thus, the gunmen killed total 17 persons. In this context, on January 11, 2015, a rally was organized in Paris—with an estimated 1.6 million people in which 40 world leaders including Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu participated to express solidarity with the magazine. Afterwards, Mossad connections with Charlie Hebdo incident had been exposed by many senior analysts and social media bloggers, as the Zionist groups and Mossad used the episode to punish France on recognizing Palestinian state and to desist other EU countries to avoid such approach on Palestinians.
Similarly, on July 22, 2011, the twin terror-attacks in Oslo, Norway, killed 80 persons. The Norwegian man Anders Behring Breivik, a right-wing fundamentalist Christian, who admitted these attacks was obsessed with what he saw as the Muslim immigration—left behind a detailed online manifesto, calling for a Christian war to defend Europe against the threat of Muslim domination. In this regard, Kevin Barrett disclosed on October 14, 2015 through Veterans Today, “The official story claims that Anders Breivik acted alone…but survivors of the massacre on Utoya Island, which annihilated the anti-Zionist leadership of the youth wing of the Norwegian Labor Party, reported there were multiple gunmen…as in dozens of other false flag terror operations. The purpose was to punish Norway and its Labor Party for two policy breaches: Refusing to join NATO’s war on Libya, and moving toward a full boycott of Israel.”
Nevertheless, in order to revive the global war on terror, the neo-conservatives, Zionists and Israel needed the assistance of the whole Europe. For the purpose, conspiracy of the November 13 terror attacks in Paris was definitely prepared and the leading role was played by Mossad. In this respect, arrest of Israeli Col. Shahak in Iraq, his admission, proving links of Al-Qaeda and ISIS with America and Israel (Mossad) and medical treatment of the ISIS warriors in the Israeli hospitals might be cited as example. ISIS which was already being assisted by the CIA and Mossad was directed to send its militants in Paris.
Israel achieved its several sinister designs in the post-Paris attacks phenomena and the shooting at San Bernardino, California. Like the drastic aftermath of 9/11 tragedy, rulers and politicians of the US-led Western countries, especially of Europe, including their media have been misguiding their general public by creating chauvinism against the Muslims. They are propagating the so-called threat of Islamophobia. In one way or the other, the Muslims are being persecuted in the US and other Western countries, particularly in Europe.
As regards the anti-Muslim policy, on January 18, 2015, while singling out only Muslim women British Prime Minister David Cameron announced that Muslim women who fail to learn English to a high enough standard could face deportation from Britain. He also suggested that poor English skills can leave people “more susceptible to the messages of groups like Islamic State (IS).”
Earlier, Donald Trump, the Republican Party’s nominee for US presidential candidate had called for a ban on Muslims, entering the United States.
On January 25, 2016, The EU’s law enforcement agency Europol disclosed that ISIS has set up special forces style training camps in Europe, as they plot mass casualty civilian strikes on the continent. And under the threat of ISIS, especially European governments and EU have been expelling the immigrants, particularly the Muslims from their countries, while discouraging more Syrian refugees. On the other side, they are also trying to resolve the Syrian crisis. However, it shows contradictory policy.
After the Paris terror attacks, Israel-led America also got the assistance of its western allies (NATO) against Russia. And as part of their ambivalent approach, American jet fighters and those of its Western coalition are targeting the ISIS terrorists in Iraq and Syria including Libya.
It was due to the dual policy of the US-led Europe that ISIS which is most dangerous terrorist group than Al-Qaeda rapidly spread its tentacles all over the world. On January 14, 2015, multiple blasts and gunfire killed seven people and jolted the Indonesian capital Jakarta. The ISIS claimed responsibility. On October 4, 2015, ISIS-affiliated militant outfit Boko Haram claims responsibility for Nigeria’s deadly suicide bombings which killed 18 people on October 4. This outfit is also behind recent suicide attacks in Syria, Turkey, Iraq etc.
After the Paris attacks and acceleration of threat by ISIS, some of the European leaders have been empathizing upon the solution of the Palestinians issue.
In this connection, the Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Wallstrom’s statement, hours after the Paris tragedy caused a stir in Jerusalem, as she said that “to counteract the radicalization, we must go back to the situation in the Middle East of which not the least the Palestinians see that there is no future: we must either accept a desperate situation or resort to violence.”
Even, a debate started between the Zionists and non-Zionist Jews for the two-state solution of the Israeli-Palestinian issue. Even, a majority of the western intellectuals have also been emphasizing upon the settlement of this dispute.
Most significantly, some recent developments like demoralization of the ISIS terrorists and the rebels who are on flee, after the Russia-led coalition reoccupied several territories in Iraq and Syria, UNO-backed ceasefire in Syria, brokered by the major powers including Russia and the United States, Russian President Putin’s surprise announcement to withdraw most of the forces from Syria, after strengthening the Assad regime—and hailing of Putin’s decision by Obama, UNO and European leaders irritated Tel Aviv. Putin’s favour to the UNO peace plan for Syria has also thwarted the B-Plan of Kerry who had said that if ceasefire or peace plan failed, Syria will be divided.
Besides, in wake of the presidential election-campaign, ordinary Americans are focusing on internal problems which are the result of prolonged war on terror. Patriot Americans are openly criticizing the Zionist-protected policies of the US. Taking cognizance, Obama has asked Turkey to withdraw its forces from Iraq’s territories. In the recent past, John Kerry gave ultimatum to the Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to agree for the two-state solution of the Palestinian dispute.
In these circumstances, with the help of ISIS and Mossad, Israel again targetted Europe by arranging the Brussels blasts in order to avoid the settlement of the Israeli-Palestinian issue, and to implicate Syria-based ISIS—to thwart the ceasefire in Syria, to cause a major war between Russia and the US-led NATO, while turning the world to clash of civilizations, especially between the Muslim and the Christian worlds.
Sajjad Shaukat writes on international affairs and is author of the book: US vs Islamic Militants, Invisible Balance of Power: Dangerous Shift in International Relations
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