Big Brother News: FBI Director Says ‘No such thing as absolute privacy in America’
FBI Director Says ‘No such thing as absolute privacy in America’
The Independent Media
FBI Director Says ‘No such thing as absolute privacy in America’
FBI Just Created And Foiled Their Own Terrorist Plot To Demonize Those Who Question Government By William N. Grigg The FBI once again appears to have averted a terrorist plot…
FBI Seeks Warrantless Access To Americans’ Browser History AP Photo/Sang Tan FBI Director James Comey amounts current restrictions on spying to a “typo” in the law, and is demanding that…
FBI Agents Are Force Feed Holocaust Lies And Not Mass Murdering Bolshevik Jews Truths FBI Director James B. Comey requires agents to go to Holocaust Museums But Does Not Mention Biggest…
FBI informants acted as ‘honeypots’ to trap a 21-year-old man, posing as love interests to glean information, audio obtained by the Intercept reveals. One woman lured him into making a…
Police Release Damning New Footage For FBI On LaVoy Finicum Shooting (Video) If you weren’t already 100% convinced that our federal government is the largest terrorist organization on the planet after you…
Israeli Company Hacking iPhone for FBI Israel’s Cellebrite Revealed As Company Helping FBI Hack iPhone Encryption In the aftermath of the FBI’s surprising request on Monday to postpone a hearing…
Released by the FBI after the Deschutes Sheriff found LaVoy’s killing justified. The video from Shauna Cox’s phone synced with the air footage. — Enhanced Audio! Video Below: Shocking Footage…
FBI ORDERS TEACHERS TO REPORT STUDENTS WHO QUESTION GOVERNMENT SOURCE: COUNTER CURRENT NEWS - New federal guidelines have just been introduced across the country, and what they mandate is quite disturbing…
Video Below From FBI Youtube – “Complete, Unedited Video of Joint FBI and OSP Operation 01/26/2016” From FBI – This is the complete video footage of a joint FBI and…