Life Changing Visit To The Banksy Wall in Palestine
Life Changing Visit To The Banksy Wall in Palestine Video: Adam Grenn’s Life Changing Visit To The Banksy Wall in Palestine
The Independent Media
Life Changing Visit To The Banksy Wall in Palestine Video: Adam Grenn’s Life Changing Visit To The Banksy Wall in Palestine
Caught On Video: A Sick Racist Israeli IDF Soldier Bullies An Eight Year-Old Palestinian Girl Video: Extrajudicial killing in broad daylight, Hebron, March 2016 Watch pure evil, as a sick…
Palestine To Sue UK For Creation Of Israel The President of Palestine has announced plans to sue the British government for creating Israel and subjecting the Palestinian people to illegal…
Israel and Saudi Arabia: Best Friends Forever By Makia Freeman Contributor, Israel and Saudi Arabia have a snug and cozy relationship. They are, indeed, BFF or best friends forever…
Teen Kicked Out of UK Event Supposedly About ‘Speaking Out’ for Calling for a Free Palestine The girl’s winning speech insulted others by spreading pro-Palestine “propaganda,” according to the organizers.…
We have to remember everyday that the biggest mass murderers in history continue to kill. They use stealth, intimidation, propaganda and buy and control politicians everywhere they can to continue…
[corner-ad id=1] US Government Ally Israel Keeps On Mass Murdering: 41 Palestinian Children Murdered In Five Months Who Was Behind The Greatest Mass Murders In History? Bolshevik Jews? Zionists? Jewish…
‘Arrest occupier!’ Israeli politician living in West Bank met with protest in UK The Speaker of Israel’s parliament, addressed British MPs on Wednesday during a controversial two-day visit to London.…
Shock Video: Chicago Jew gets called Hitler for supporting Palestinian rights By Rania Khalek You can feel the evil coming off these people. Kind of reminded me of their fellow evil…
If You Show Interest in Palestine, You Could be a Terrorist, Says Government Michaela Whitton (ANTIMEDIA) United Kingdom — Most would agree that the issue of Palestine and Israel is one that…
The Occupation of the American Mind: Israel’s Public Relations War in the United States (4-min trailer) While recent polls have shown global public opinion turning sharply against Israeli policy, public…
Israel furious at UN report detailing torture of Palestinian children Israel’s security forces have been accused by a United Nations monitoring group of torturing and tormenting Palestinian children. By Phoebe…
Star-Crossed Lovers’ Tale Banned from Israeli Schools Apartheid is not an American value Front cover of the book, “Borderlife,” by Dorit Rabinyan What follows is a partial list of American…