Tag: “George Soros

Chinese Media Calls Globalist Jewish Billionaire George Soros A ‘Global Economic Terrorist’

Presstv.ir/ Reports: Link The Chinese media have called Jewish American billionaire George Soros a “global economic terrorist” who has reportedly funded anti-China propaganda in Hong Kong. The widely-circulated English-language newspaper…

Creepy Instigator George Soros Spends Big Bucks Installing Radical District Attorneys To Destroy American Life

Creepy Instigator George Soros Spends Big Bucks Installing Radical District Attorneys To Destroy American Life Video: Left-wing megadonors like George Soros have been busy installing radical district attorneys across America.…

Causing Havoc Across The USA – Far Left Billionaire George Soros Has Been Systematically Targeting District Attorney Races

Causing Havoc Across The USA – Far Left Billionaire George Soros Has Been Systematically Targeting District Attorney Races Far left billionaire George Soros has been systematically targeting district attorney races…