Have you read How to Prevent the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates yet? Well, I have, and let me tell you: it’s every bit as infuriating, nauseating, ridiculous, laughable and…
The Independent Media
Have you read How to Prevent the Next Pandemic by Bill Gates yet? Well, I have, and let me tell you: it’s every bit as infuriating, nauseating, ridiculous, laughable and…
Telecom companies are currently scrambling to implement fifth-generation cellular network technology. But the world of 5G is a world where all objects are wired and constantly communicating data to one…
I don’t believe it. If it is a real shooter, he is programmed and most likely programmed by the Mossad on the orders of Benjamin Netanyahu. As we now know…
Scary Tech: A Change Is Coming, Just What Are They Creating? Hell On Earth? Will you get lost in the Fourth Industrial Revolution? Most people I asked don’t even know…
FBI Director Says ‘No such thing as absolute privacy in America’
War On Dissenters, You Can Only Get Big Gov’s Propaganda And Their Fake News? Aaron and Melissa Dykes are truth researchers, truth journalists and truth filmmakers. Their excellent website…
Social Media Goes Un-American With Their Censorship BS, Time To Find Alternatives We all know by now that the tech giants of Silicon Valley are in bed with the government…
FBI Seeks Warrantless Access To Americans’ Browser History AP Photo/Sang Tan FBI Director James Comey amounts current restrictions on spying to a “typo” in the law, and is demanding that…
Why is the Government Installing Mysterious Boxes On Utility Poles? Derrick Broze, Guest Waking Times The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms and Explosives has claimed ownership of a mysterious…
We Just Want To Pee In Private – We Want Our Personal Space, We Want The Feds Out Of Our Restrooms By David Knight Why don’t we just do it…
UK Goes Very Creepy Big Brother And Forces Pet Owners To Microchip All Pets, Will Humans Be Next?
You Can Now Be Put in Jail For Taking A Screenshot With Your Phone By Michaela Whitton (ANTIMEDIA) United Kingdom — Billions of photos are shared on popular mobile app, Snapchat, every day. The…
The Federal Government Is Behaving Like a Stalinist Entity AMERICA IS NOW FULLY CONTROLLED BY JEWS SAYS CANADIAN RESEARCHER Zionist 'Thugs' Behind America's Police State FBI orders local police into…
FBI ORDERS TEACHERS TO REPORT STUDENTS WHO QUESTION GOVERNMENT SOURCE: COUNTER CURRENT NEWS - New federal guidelines have just been introduced across the country, and what they mandate is quite disturbing…
[corner-ad id=1] By Joshua Krause When it comes to whatever social media platform we use on a regular basis, most of us take it for granted that these websites are spying…
Beware That Game Download Could Be Spyware! Germany Approves ‘Trojan Horse’ Bug Germany’s government has approved the use of a so called “trojan horse” software bug to monitor the computers…
Zuckerberg Calls Facebook Users Dumb Fu#ks, Some Prove Him Right! Army of Facebook Zombies Zuckerberg’s Virtual Reality Photo: Our Future in the Matrix