Globalist Gun Grab Agenda: How Obama’s ‘Crying’ Shows He’s A Psychopath
The White House and The Theatrics of ‘Gun Control’ ‘Theatrics in politics is nothing new, but this is just a little over-the-top, even for this entertainer-and-chief. During President Barack Obama’s…
Oregon Standoff Update | Sheriff Mack: “You Never Know What This Corrupt Government Is Going To Do.”
Sheriff Mack on Oregon Standoff: “you never know what this corrupt government is going to do.” Truth In Media’s Joshua Cook spoke with Sheriff Richard Mack Wednesday about the Hammond…
Press Release – New Album Release: Mental Excursion by The Truth Tale
New Album Release: Mental Excursion by The Truth Tale This Release Features: I Can’t Help It Don’t Ask About Amy Just Want To Be That Guy Just a Bad Bad…
Donald Trump will pull £700m from Scotland if banned from UK
Trump will pull £700m from Scotland if banned from UK Republican front-runner Donald Trump has threatened to pull out his £700 million investment in Scotland if he is banned from…
VT Nuclear Education: North Korea Fission-Fusion (Hydrogen bomb) Device Claim Doubted
VT Nuclear Education: North Korea Fission-Fusion (Hydrogen bomb) Device Claim Doubted By Jeff Smith, Gordon Duff and Jim W. Dean, VT Editors with Ian Greenhalgh – One of two things…
Shock Opinion: The United States is the greatest threat to world peace, not North Korea
The United States is the greatest threat to world peace, not North Korea, which only seeks to protect itself from the depredations of US imperialism, an American scholar and political…
Coverups: We Have Been Lied To About WW2 And So Much More – Manufactured History
We Have Been Lied To About WW2 – Manufactured History Video And Opinion: Jeff Rense & John Friend Video Below: This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do…
Police State News: Real Life Robocobs, Crime-Fighting Robots Hitting The Streets In California
Crime-Fighting Robots Hitting The Streets In California WRITTEN BY: SARAH BUHR TN Note: The Police State and Total Surveillance Society are joined at the hip. Automated police robots are currently only…
Zionist Hatchet Man Obama Issues 20 Executive Actions on Guns – Disarming The Goyim
Zionist Hatchet Man Obama Issues 20 Executive Actions on Guns – Disarming The Goyim Related Video: Two prominent Jews team up to disarm the “Goyim” Sandy Hook Gun Grab Scandal…
Kosher Doesn’t Taste Better And It Is Not Healthier, So Is Kosher Symbols/Tax On Our Food An Epic Scam Or Just An Extortion?
Are Kosher Symbols Extortion? (l. It’s a battle to get GMO labels, but kosher no problem.) A reader believes that the public is subsidizing orthodox Jewish institutions by the fee manufacturers…
She’s A Madwomen And A Murderer? Hillary Clinton’s Policies Has Turned the Middle East into a Killing Field?
Middle East ‘Regime Change’ Madness. “Hillary Clinton’s Policies Has Turned the Middle East into a Killing Field” By Gareth Porter Hillary Clinton’s “regime change” policies as Secretary of State helped spread…
Cold and Hoping for Snacks: Officials Plan Power Cut to End Oregon Standoff
Cold and Hoping for Snacks: Officials Plan Power Cut to End Oregon Standoff The armed militia camped out in a bird sanctuary in Oregon is on day three of their…
Obama’s Zionist Handlers Want Him To Disarm Americans, What Else To Expect In 2016
Obama’s Zionist Handlers Want Him To Disarm Americans, What Else To Expect In 2016
Clinton Scandals: Hillary Clinton Heckled Over Bill Clinton’s Sex Scandals
Hillary Clinton heckled over Bill Clinton’s sex scandals A Republican state representative from New Hampshire heckled Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton during a campaign event over former President Bill Clinton’s…
Abraham’s Pharaoh was not King of Egypt
Abraham’s Pharaoh was not King of Egypt “Pharaoh’ in the Abraham story, as well as that Moses and Joseph spoke of is not the king of Egypt as millions over…
Israel Controls The White House And Congress, There Is No Greater Threat That Faces The World
Israel’s Command of White House and US Congress, Financed by $6bn through the AIPAC Lobby in Washington By Anthony Bellchambers The Zionist Council – now known as AIPAC – is the…
Who Owns the Federal Reserve Bank—and Why is It Shrouded in Myths and Mysteries?
Who Owns the Federal Reserve Bank—and Why is It Shrouded in Myths and Mysteries? By Prof. Ismael Hossein-Zadeh It is well enough that people of the nation do not understand our…