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Crazed Zionist Pro War Puppet Sen. John McCain Dead


John McCain's Dirty Little Secret
John McCain’s Dirty Little Secret

American POW’s Against John McCain. Plus a hard core look at John McCain’s cozy relationship with radical muslim terrorists and the military industrial complex.

From 2015

By Jack Allen – John McCain takes a lot of money from AIPAC and he is only second to Joe Lieberman who takes the most. McCain will push the Globalist Satanist Zionist agenda because he is a creepy sell-out. I believe he let Obama win in his presidential run as his real masters told him to do so. Only an idiot would trust McCain, Obama and the rest of the clowns that all appear to be Zionist puppets. McCain’s hands are bloody from pushing the Globalist Satanist Zionists’ War Lust for global control

Video: “Shut up or I’ll have you arrested….. low-life scum” – Pro War Zionist Puppet John McCain to anti-war activists

Video: McCain Confronted on Israeli’s USS Liberty attack Cover-up & Media Accomplices

Shocking: Israel’s Intentional Attack on the USS Liberty. James Morris, political analyst and commentator confronts John McCain about the USS Liberty Cover-up on Memorial Day

Video: Generals March To A Neocon Tune. By Brother Nathanael (Former Jew Turned Christian Brother)

John McCain, Rothschild Puppet, Zionist Warmonger

Dumb Beast Led Around by Homosexual Lieberman


“Then shall stand up in his estate a raiser of taxes in the glory of the kingdom: but within few days he shall be destroyed, neither in anger, nor in battle. And in his estate shall stand up a vile person…”

Daniel 11:20-21

By Texe Marrs

John McCain is a vile, wicked, deceitful man, a warmonger and a sexual deviant. Make no mistake about it. If this man wins the presidency, America is finished as a nation. Forever.

In a 60-minute investigative report, I detail the awful truth about this inept, savage-hearted, lying travesty of a politician, and I document what I say with irrefutable evidence.

In March of this year, John McCain traveled to Israel where he shamelessly pandered to Prime Minister Olmert, the Likudnik extremist Benjamin Netanyahu, and other Zionist Masonic overlords and groveled at their feet. McCain also had a stopover in neighboring, war-torn Iraq, where he was led around like a dumb beast by his Mossad and ADL stooge handler, Jewish bigot, and closet homosexual, Senator Joe Lieberman.

McCain then flew from the Middle East to London where, on March 20th, two Rothschild Illuminati, the super-wealthy Lord Jacob Rothschild and Nathaniel Rothschild, held an “invitation-only” private luncheon for him at the luxurious Spencer House, St. James Place. No doubt, McCain kissed “Lord” Rothschild’s ring, if not his big right toe and pledged that, if the powerful Zionist poobah would only make him President of the United States. Israel’s enemies, Iran and Syria, would end up nuclear toast.

“John McCain is Bought by Jews”

As Nathanael Kapner, a knowledgeable Jew who—thank God!—is also a Jesus believing Christian, writes in his website (www.realjewnews.com), “John McCain knows which side his bread is buttered on. And that’s the Jewish side of campaign contributions.”

Brother Kapner noted that McCain was at the private Rothschild fund-raiser in the posh London Spencer house. Kapner’s sage conclusion: “John McCain is bought by Jews via the Rothschilds!”

Kapner also reported that McCain recently was forced to apologize to the Jews for having the audacity to say in a speech he had given that, “America is a nation founded on Christian values.” Immediately, the Jewish organizations sprang into action, prompting the frightened McCain to trot out before the news cameras and retract what he had said.

McCain Betrayed Our POWs

McCain’s innumerable deceptions and treachery extend back many years—virtually his whole life is one, big fabrication. Sure, he was a POW, but after he returned from Vietnam, McCain is the dirty rat who sold out the remaining POWs in captivity. He and his liberal pinko buddy, Senator “Swift Boat” John Kerry, even engineered “Favored Trading Status” for their erstwhile Communist friends back in Hanoi. Jane Fonda, Move over!—You’ve got company.

McCain’s father, Naval Admiral John McCain, was an even greater fraud. He’s the guy whose cowardice, lies and incompetence as Commanding Officer of Pacific Forces doomed thousand of American troops to misery and death during the tragic Vietnam War. The senior McCain also just happens to be the sorry traitor who stood by and let Israeli bomber aircraft decimate the U.S. Liberty Ship in 1967, killing and wounding so many of our sailors.

Nuking Iran is McCain’s Promise

John McCain and his insane, bloodlust, Zionist whack-job colleague, Pastor John Hagee, promise to use nuclear bombs to destroy Iran. That would mean thousands more U.S. fighting men and women going to their graves and tens of thousands more coming home minus legs, arms, and limbs. It would entail the entire world viewing America as a heartless, savage beast nation. John McCain is a monster, period. In a word, this man is a dangerous, soul-less psychopath.

Here is a man who only got into the Military Academy because his grandfather and father before him were military brass and pulled strings. Predictably, McCain finished almost dead last in his graduating class. He never accomplished one positive thing as a Naval aviator. He did, however, manage to execute a miserably incompetent, faulty landing that killed a number of carrier personnel and, later, he was shot down over North Vietnam. Not exactly a picture of success.

John McCain has never done an honest days work in the private sector his entire life. He cheated on his first wife with the much younger Cindy Hensley, then abruptly divorced his wife and married the pretty Cindy within a few weeks. Now come reliable news reports about McCain messing around having an affair with a young Washington D.C. blonde lobbyist, Vicki Eisman. A real “Family Values” character wouldn’t you say? McCain is so vile that other Senators have labeled him “President McNasty!”

McCain has threatened to reduce Social Security benefits, and he consistently voted as a Senator for higher taxes. His World War III insanity will bankrupt America and force this nation into a North American Union slave state. But then, why should John McCain care about you, me, and other middle class Americans? This heel married into the Hensley fortune—Cindy’s rich dad owned a beer distributorship and reportedly got his fortune via his unsavory ties to the Jewish Mafia.

McCain and Lieberman at Wailing Wall

Homosexual Jewish Senator Joseph Lieberman, McCain’s Mossad handler, escorts him to the wailing wall in Jerusalem. Observe McCain’s skull cap—a cruel Jewish mockery of Jesus’ crucifixion on Golgotha (place of the skull).


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John McCain and the Zionist Crime Syndicate

Written by Christopher Bollyn

By his unwavering support for Tel Aviv regardless of its behavior, John McCain has confirmed that his sympathies lie with those who deceived America to wage a war on behalf of fundamentalists who have long planned to expand the Land of Israel to include Greater Israel.
– Jeff Gates, Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit took America to War, 2008

AGENTS OF A FOREIGN STATE – Senator John McCain (R-AZ), Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Senator Joe Lieberman (D-CT) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) at their meeting on July 7, 2010 in Jerusalem. Ehud Barak is one of the high-level architects of the 9-11 deception that took America to war in Afghanistan and Iraq.

Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) is the most active and outspoken advocate of the Zionist war agenda in the U.S. Congress. Does John McCain work for the international Zionist crime syndicate?

Jeff Gates of Tempe, Arizona, is the author of Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit took America to War (published before the 2008 election), in which he warned Americans of the treasonous candidate from Arizona. Gates was counsel to the U.S. Senate Committee on Finance (1980-1987).

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At a town-hall meeting in July 2010, Jeff Gates asked Sen. John McCain about his involvement with the Zionist criminal syndicate and the oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Gates asked McCain about his 2006 meeting with Deripaska at Davos. McCain recalled the meeting and added that it occurred at a Rothschild family house.  When Gates asked about the second meeting with Deripaska in 2006 at the Rothschild family fiefdom on the coast of Montenegro, he unfortunately confused Montevideo for Montenegro, which allowed McCain to slip out of the question by saying he has never been to Montevideo.

Sen. John McCain is the most active supporter of the Zionist war agenda in the U.S. Congress. In his 2008 book Guilt by Association, Jeff Gates pointed out the McCain family’s ties to the cover-up of the murderous Israeli attack on the U.S.S. Liberty in 1967 and other treasonous and criminal activity by the senator from Arizona, who was then the Republican party’s candidate for president. To understand why Sen. McCain puts his support for the Zionist crime syndicate ahead of what’s best for the American people it is essential to understand who supports John McCain.  The following paragraphs from Guilt by Association make that quite clear:

Though campaigning for president on his national security credentials, McCain has misdiagnosed issues of profound consequence not only to ordinary Russians but also to Americans systematically defrauded by the same transnational syndicate. With regularity, the candidate has favored those complicit in the criminal network chronicled in this account [i.e. Guilt by Association]…

The consistency with which John McCain has associated with this transnational network raises the sensitive issue whether his candidacy enjoys syndicate support…

According to The Washington Post, McCain campaign manager Rick Davis twice arranged for the candidate to meet with Oleg Deripaska whose links to organized crime are sufficiently compelling that a visa to visit the U.S. was revoked in July 2006. Their first encounter was arranged at the annual World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, in January 2006. They met again in Montenegro seven months later during an official U.S. Senate trip to that eastern European country.

Fields within Fields. On March 20, 2008, after John McCain secured the Republican nomination for president, Nathan Rothschild and his father, Lord Jacob Rothschild, sponsored a fundraiser for McCain in London. A principal adviser to Oleg Deripaska, Nathaniel is a descendent of Nathan Mayer Rothschild who helped finance Britain’s victory over Napoleon at Waterloo. In addition to providing financial advice to the Russian oligarch on the aluminum giant Rusal, Nathaniel Rothschild also advises Indian steel magnates.

CRUISING WITH CRIMINALS – Rick Davis and Sen. John McCain (in cap) board the rented yacht of Italian con man Raffaello Follieri in August 2006 in Kotor Bay, the Rothschild fiefdom in Montenegro. Follieri, then boyfriend of Anne Hathaway, went on to serve a five year federal jail term in the U.S. It was during this trip that McCain met again with Oleg Deripaska and Nathan Rothschild.

Sources and Recommended Reading:

Guilt by Association: How Deception and Self-Deceit took America to War by Jeff Gates, (2008)
Introduction available online at:

Jeff Gates on the Criminal State, YouTube.com, March 4, 2012

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
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