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Zionists control Facebook, Google: Ex-CIA contractor

Press TV has conducted an interview with Steven D Kelley, a former NSA/CIA contractor, to discuss a recent report saying emails released from former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s cache of messages show Google had plans to encourage defections from the Syrian government.

The following is a rough transcription of the interview.

Press TV: It is interesting to note these emails coming from the head of Google Ideas putting a big question mark on net neutrality.

Kelley: Alright. You know this story has enormous ramifications; it is enormous story much larger than what you are really using as the title here. On the surface, yes this is a very creative approach that they are using to try to topple Assad and what it does also show is that they are using this to try to take away public focus on atrocities, which suggest that they are very aware of their guilt in carrying out of these atrocities and the need that they should have tried to overcome this you know public relations campaign. It also shows that Al Jazeera is nothing but a mouthpiece of this propaganda because they seem to be indicating that this is their … partner in the spreading of this information. So these are all very huge.

The very fact that the administration seems to have this very cozy relationship with these high level ranking people from Google also is extremely troubling and it would seem to indicate that the stereotypes that we have of our net as you say not being controlled by Zionist interests would be completely true. Obviously, Mark Zuckerberg comes to mind with Facebook and Google certainly has been accused of being a tool of the Zionist also. So considering that how many people use Google for their net searches or what have you the possibility for data mining are huge and then you add Facebook only, how many people; billions of people use Facebook. So this would all tend to verify everything that everybody have thought that all these organizations that have anything to do with internet are completely working with the Zionist and these administrations are all tools; so they are all on the same team.

Press TV: What about all these organizations like Facebook, like Google, like even Apple for example who tried to “defend the privacy of their customers” by standing up against the FBI and the State Department and refusing you know to give in to them by providing them with search histories or personal information on their users. There is that distinction where you draw the line. Are these crusaders freedom of speech, freedom of access to information or is there more to it?

Kelley: Well, there is always more to it and I think it is always the PR game. These people have to sell products; they have to make it look like they are on the right side of the issue with the public. If you look at Facebook, perfect example is they were recently the victim of a lawsuit, suggesting that they were promoting anti-Israel propaganda and stifling pro-Israel propaganda which we know the truth is actually the complete opposite of that. So what they say in public, very much like Donald Trump speech to AIPAC, is very rarely the truth.

Press TV: There is also that question of when it comes to freedom of access of information specifically at a time when more of the world population is going online as opposed to going to world’s traditional media. What kind of implications can this have? Considering our search results etc. are being controlled, will the world population have that chance to be aware enough to stand up against it?

Kelley: I think that information and truth is a double-edged sword and people should not worry about their words being listened to by Big Brother because I think there is a good chance that Big Brother can also learn something by the words that we use and we should use every opportunity look for alternatives certainly to Facebook and what have you, but we should not be afraid of using these systems. And I think that of anything these forces are very reactionary and they have to make changes in order to keep up with us. So anything that they do to try to hold us down, I think we will overcome.

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