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Screen Shot 2016-03-14 at 7.52.40 PMThe Establishment And Zionist Controlled Media Wants Someone To Assassinate Donald Trump?

Cased Closed? Michelle Fields and Ben Shapiro, The Big Zionist Lie Against Donald Trump?

The Trump campaign has become a referendum on the future of America and the people whose forefathers created America!

Jewish media masdters cartoon donald trump

Dr. Duke and Dr. MacDonald- The Trump campaign has become a referendum on the future of America and the people whose forefathers created America!

Dr. David Duke and Dr. Kevin MacDonald discuss the vicious Jewish media and political establishment hate campaign against Donald Trump.

Dr. Duke said that, “The Trump campaign had become a referendum on the future of America and the people whose forefathers created America!

He went on proclaim, “A war is raging against Donald Trump, the Real America, and the European American Majority of the United States. The media has incited hatred and violence and repression of Donald Trump and the vast numbers of the American people who support him.”

“If you love your country, the values of this nation and the rights of all Americans including the European American founders of America, you will vote for Donald Trump

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