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Screen Shot 2016-02-29 at 9.27.29 AMNews agencies setting precedents to ‘ban’ outspoken political insiders

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By Shepard Ambellas (INTELLIHUB) — Political consultant, lobbyist and strategist, Robert Stone made an appearance on the Alex Jones Show recently to talk about why he was banned by several major networks, including CNN, which Stone refered to as the “Clinton News Network.” According to Stone, the trolls over at Gawker, a cheesy tabloid, lobbied CNN to block Stone from going on air in favor of Republican Presidential Candidate Donald J. Trump. Stone said that MSNBC has also followed lockstep by omitting him from any future appearance due to a “Media Matters” squabble.

Since last August, Stone cites he has made forty-nine appearances on Fox News as opposed to three appearances on CNN.

Stone said:

“As someone who was an insider for forty years, as someone who was in the service of three American presidents, who worked on nine Republican presidential campaigns, as someone who worked in the U.S. Senate as an assistant to Bob Dole, a patriot, as someone who worked in the U.S. House as assistant to Congressman Bob Steele who was a member of the House Budget Committee, they know that I’ve seen the inside workings of the Establishment.”

Stone said he is well aware that “they [the Establishment]” know that he has “the goods” on the Clintons, including information on their “sex crimes” and a “doctored up DNA test.”

Stone is also very aware of Bill Clinton’s “mixed race son, Danny Williams,” who stone said was thrown away like “trash.”

They want to “discredit” me, Stone told Jones on air.


Learn More: https://www.intellihub.com/trump-insider-roger-stone-banned-by-cnn-for-exposing-clintons/

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