Terror, Terror everywhere !
By Preston James, Ph.D
Spook us once, that’s understandable. Spook us twice and still get away with it… and we are the fools.
It’s time to pull the curtain back and expose the real Terrorists, the Oz behind the curtain, and throw some water on the wicked witch.
It’s time to expose the War on Terror for the fraud that it is and the American police state it is producing, along with all the foreign illegal unConstitutional wars and the Hell on Earth in so many nations that have been destroyed by it.
Any American who still believes that the attack on America on 9-11-01 was done by 19 Islamic radicals using box cutters as weapons while being directed by an extremist Islamic leader in a cave in Afghanistan has been completely bamboozled.
How many times must the USG deploy a terror attack in order to keep dumbed-down mind-kontrolled Americans believing the false-narrative that Terror is everywhere and anywhere?
How many times will Americans allow themselves to be the spooked into tolerating this massive buildup of centralized police state power by believing the big government lies, false-narratives and propaganda of the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM)?
It is this raw terror, the fear of being unexpected sideswiped, terribly wounded or killed in an Islamic terrorist attack or in a shooting in a gun-free zone by a patriot or domestic terrorist that has served as an excuse for the DC politicians to enact brutal laws like the Patriot Act and fight foreign wars for Israel.
And it is the CMMM that has communicated to and implanted this massive fear in the American group mind on behalf of the folks who create and deploy all the terror in the first place.
And these are the same folks who manipulate America to sacrifice its soldiers on foreign battlefields.
But who is the OZ hiding behind the curtain that must be pulled back?
It is the Khazarian Mafia, its main action agents the Israelis, the PNACers, the top NeoCons, their stateside tribal brethren the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens and other traitors in the US Administration, the JCS, the USAF, NORAD and the FAA.
But it was the Mossad itself that ran the attack on America on 9-11-01 on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM, the world’s largest Organized Crime Syndicate. This is of course an act of war by Israel that has made it an enemy of the USA.
And it is this massive group fear imprinted into the American group mind by the use of sophisticated CMMM mind-kontrol that has motivated the American People to allow the USG to transform itself into an East German Stasi-style Police State in order to supposedly keep everybody safe.
This is why we are now cursed with Homeland Security (DHS), a foreign based espionage front and an evil oppressors of We The People.
And the top officials of DHS are some of the worst traitors and scum imaginable who lick the boots of their KM masters and betray their Oaths of Office and the US Constitution daily.
Those Zios who run DHS don’t give a damn about We The People who pay their salaries, as they fulfill every order of their foreign based KM masters and always put the interests of Israel and themselves first.
They are there to draw fat salaries and retirements, and to live lavish lifestyles, all because they have been willing to sell their countrymen out, violate their Oaths of Office and serve the foreign-based and world’s largest Organized crime Syndicate.
How dangerous do you think it is for the American People to have their police trained by DHS and ADL Zios? You decide but remember IDF and ADL police training is oriented to anti-terrorism and views the general public as Palestinians who they view as Domestic Terrorists or “little snakes”. They won’t speak this inside America but this is their attitude which they train and impart to DHS Agents and American Police.
Doubt that this training is a planned influence to transform American police into anti-domestic terrorist storm troopers working for the KM and Israel? Then consider these targets DHS recommends for training of American police and uses itself. If we don’t take America back from these foreign private Banksters and their infiltrators in our USG, America will be destroyed piece by piece and it won’t take too long to do this to us.
Top DHS officials should all be arrested and prosecuted for espionage, Sedition and Treason against America the Republic for aiding our foreign enemy Israel who attacked America on 9-11-01 and continues to buy, bribe, blackmail and human compromise our elected politicians.
But alas, there is no entity or LE anywhere in the USG that is not corrupt or who will do its job to arrest the terrorists, war mongers and drug traffickers in the USG, American Military and American Intel.
The FBI is far too corrupt, the provost Marshals won’t get involved and the US Department of Justice has become criminal itself.
Don’t look for help from the Administration or Congress — they are completely owned and compromised, and exist to represent the interests of AIPAC and Israel.
Here is the bottom line to all this and members of the USG, the administration, the Congress, the High Military Command and Intel should take notice.
If you do not clean up the USG at all levels and restore the Rule of Law and the Constitution; if you allow these USG officials to continue to stage all these Gladio-style false-flag terror events in order to spook the American People into supporting all these foreign wars; if you do not reverse all these illegal unConstitutional Free Trade Agreements which are exporting most of our good jobs; and do not seal our borders to stop all this immigration (illegal and “legal”) and that is destroying American Sovereignty; we will see our nation Balkanized and destroyed and the American Petro Dollar will fall and will no longer be the exclusive World’s Reserve Currency or even of much significant if it even continues to exist at all.
And then you will find yourselves fighting for your very lives against foreign invaders who want payback for all the evil America has done with the War on terror. By that time the US Military will be far too weak to defend America or win.
The USG claims it needs the Patriot Act, DHS and a militarized American Police in order to protect us from radical immigrant Islamics and American patriots, churchgoers, Ron Paul supporters, Constitutionalists, patriots, vets and gun owners and political dissenters. Yet the USG keeps bringing them in or allowing them to illegally cross our borders and even set up numerous so-called sanctuary cities where they cannot even be checked for immigration status or even arrested for traffic offenses unless they are extreme or are felonious.
The full force of the USG is turned against US natural born citizens who even think of insisting the Constitution and Bill of Rights be followed and who express this concern, organize and demonstrate politically and legally, or protest or dissent in any legal fashion.
The USG has become an Orwellian Police State boot in your face 24/7 for many natural born Americans and now we have two candidates for President who are not natural born citizens and therefore cannot legally to run for President. These two are assisted by the USG and skate for their illegal campaigns but American Patriots are watched, and often harassed needlessly and illegally. How completely hypocritical that is.
But it is the USG itself that is the world’s biggest terrorist and war monger which serves the needs of the KM Banksters and Israel, to the exclusion of We The People.
Yes, instead of the USG keeping us all safe, the USG continues to do all the terrorizing of America. It engineers and deploys all the mass-shootings in gun-free zones using MK-Ultra type Mind-kontrolled zombies and patsies.
Expecting the USG to actually protect We The people from terrorism is actually about as sensible as expecting the fox to protect the chicken coup!
DHS exists only to oppress and tyrannize We The People and to transform America into GAZA II with Americans to become the New Palestinians to have their land stolen and then be systematically genocided.
The reason the US Administration is so obsessed with disarming America is because the KM has ordered them to do so through the wealthy powerful cutouts like Sheldon Adelson and AIPAC.
The KM realizes that unless they disarm Americans by making private gun ownership illegal, their chances of being able to complete their desired transformation of America into GAZA II and make Americans the New Palestinians to oppress, tyrannize, asset strip and steal their land completely and then genocide them are unlikely to be successful.
We now know for certain that the USG has become the world’s biggest Terror Machine and this so-called War on Terror is merely a crafty cover for all its evil machinations which include endless foreign wars on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM), Israel and the American Military, Industrial, Congressional Complex.
In his last public speech in office President Eisenhower warned Americans about this real and present danger which has now come to pass.
It’s high time that the American public learn that all this terrorism is actually being done by Cutouts for the Khazarian Mafia (KM) using its embedded assets inside American Intel and the Alphabets. These assets include foreign based Mossad often sheep-dipped into American Intel and LE. This was a common occurrence during the reign of Bush1.
And it is Israeli espionage fronts like the ADL that have been training American Police to empty their clips over minor non-compliance.
Some retarded and deaf citizens have been executed by overly aggressive police over minor infractions because the victim did not even hear or understand the vicious police commands. Police that murder these civilians usually walk because their ADL/IDF anti-terror rules of engagement they are trained with have become the accepted legal norm.
The USG knows this blaming of terrorism on radical Islamics, radical home-group lone-wolfs, or militias is a monstrous lie.
In fact deep down inside these USG officials know that they must continue the big USG lies, the false-narratives and the USG propaganda or else they will be smeared, ruined, blacklisted, and even assassinated.
Yes this is known at the highest echelons in the USG but nobody dares admit it or they would be immediately assassinated, or alternatively, “arkensided” Dixie Mafia-style.
Sadly, the originating source and root cause of all this terror is the Khazarian Mafia (KM) which has infiltrated every Law Enforcement (LE) agency in America through mind-kontrolled cutouts, such as deeply-embedded Mossad agents sheep-dipped as CIA or FBI, therefore unrecognizable, deep cover assets.
Homeland Security (DHS) was set up with the sole purpose of protecting the interests of the KM and their main action agent Israel.
But also to establish and maintain sufficient fire-power to suppress any significant uprising or rebellion by the American masses who might try and boot the Zios out of America and take back their government and restore the US Constitution, Bill of Rights, Rule of Law and American Sovereignty.
We now know for certain that one of the main mechanisms of mind-kontrolling and gaining control over American Law Enforcement and American politicians are the legendary all expenses paid, five-star hotel junkets to Israel.
These visits involve great food and satisfying entertainment, often custom tailored to the guest’s personal degree of perversion and deviance. But its the special late night entertainment that can be sometimes quite extreme depending on the guest’s profile and previous preferences.
Once they go to sleep, the little tube comes through the wall, the puff of gas appears, the men in white suits and gas masks come in and hook up a special IV bag and contact electrodes on the skull and a half hour of sophisticated mind-kontrol is completed.
Special koolaide is served during the junket mixed in all beverages to keep the guest suggestible and sometimes hyper-sexual if compromise videos are going to be taken during the guests special entertainment if “playmates” are provided.
LE agencies get special Anti-terror training from IDF and Mossad, who work hard to impress them with the latest toys and tactics and go way out of their way to make friendships. It is these same folks who will blackmail them for these sins and take them out in a NY minute if ordered to, all for “greater Israel” and Zionism as directed by the KM.
Since our Congress and Administration passed legislation allowing the consolidation of all American LE into Homeland Security (DHS), DHS has now become extremely dangerous for all Americans.
Not only is our basic system of justice and Rule of Law gone for the average American, being only available to the ultra rich, politically connected and powerful. Our whole way of life is now being trashed and stolen from us by the KM and its Cutouts, many of whom are traitors in high positions within the USG.
This could never have happened if these USG Officials and had kept their Oaths of Office and not allowed the KM to penetrate and control all American Law Enforcement Agencies by setting up up Homeland Security (DHS) to run them all?
It could never have happened if our VP Cheney had refused to order a stand down and to allow the 9-11-01 attack on America. Instead of doing his job he betrayed his Oath of Office and all Americans and participated in 9-11-01. This is Treason, Sedition, mass-murder, terrorism and RICO crime.
The result of this is that all our LE is now organized into a single hierarchy with the KM and Israel in control of it. DHS is now functioning as an outpost for Israel in America on behalf of the KM world Zionists.
America has actually been transformed by the War on terror after 9-11-01 into a province of Israel.
We are now prisoners in what should be our own nation and victims of an elastic KM counterfeiting system where we are rented out money at pernicious interest.
This counterfeit money should have been ours in the first place instead of the KM’s, and should be completely backed by Gold and Silver, according to the US Constitution.
DHS is now positioned to be able to plan and deploy any of a multitude of different kinds of terror attacks inside America anytime it wants in order to maintain this terror narrative to keep the American people afraid and suggestible to USG’s big lies and propaganda.
And it will continue to attack Americans and blame it on so-called domestic terrorists, Patriots, Constitutionalists, Oath-keepers, anyone who loves America and hates these KM Globalist infiltrators and hijackers.
And these terror attacks can cover a full range of real and fake false-flags including mass-shootings in gun free zones and bombings. Some will have real dead victims and some DHS/FEMA Capstone drill using very well paid professional crisis actors and nobody really dead except any witnesses or participants who start talking and telling the truth.
DHS is now situated in such a prominent powerful controlling position that it can deploy any terror attack it wants anywhere and can now completely control any investigation of it.
This means not investigating it for real and blaming it on carefully chosen patsies using false narratives and big lies dispensed through the KM’s Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM) is the new norm.
Sadly most Americans believe the massive lies false-narratives and propaganda of DHS. Fortunately that has now started to change thanks to the worldwide Internet the world’s New Gutenberg Press.
This manufactured phony War on Terror has changed American police tactics from “serving” to “aggressing”.
Instead of being there to “Protect and Serve” We The People who pay their salaries as they are legally obligated to do, the police now have a new mission. And that mission is to “Protect and Serve” the KM, the DHS, the Establishment Oligarchs, and themselves.
Their credo is now “to hell with the American People” unless they are very wealthy and prominent or in the privileged political class. And in return for this they get the power, privilege, good pay and a great retirement plus many on the job perks.
Every single LE agency in America is now also penetrated and controlled by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) through DHS with all local police departments and most sheriff’s offices trained by ADL and IDF “terror consultants”. The ADL provides tuition-free training in the latest IDF anti-terror tactics and rains American Police to view the American people as either potential domestic terrorists, real domestic terrorists, regular terrorists, the same way the IDF views Palestinians.
It is now normal training for most American LE officers to view any direct noncompliance as domestic terrorism and an immediate lethal threat, and too many police are quick to shoot. They have been trained that once they start shooting, they must finish the job “until the threat is over” and empty their clips into the targeted individual.
This means in practical terms, empty your whole clip into the person, whether a man, woman or a child, then drop the clip and slam in another one.
Of course the change of issued weapons from six shot revolvers to high capacity Glocks with double stack magazines has helped support this “shoot em dead completely” mentality especially when trained by ADL or Israeli IDF men claiming to be LE experts. And these ADL/IDF types are actually functioning quite often as blood-thirsty anti-goyim stone-killer types and raining the American police to have the same anti-human attitude.
Of course the fact that the CIA, the DEA and other Intel agencies traffick illegal narcotics into American for black ops money. This not only creates massive urban crime and transforms most inner urban areas into serious crime jungles after dark, but steals many souls and dirties up a lot of local, state and federal officials.
This creates a huge crime and violence problem which leads to bigger and bigger LE budgets. And DHS accepts all this with a wink and a nod and never goes after these Intel agencies for this illegal narcotic trafficking, nor ever tries to prosecute the real perps behind false-flag terror and mass-shootings in gun-free zones in America.
Local Police jurisdictions has been surrendered to DHS. This of course is completely illegal and like so many things being done now is unConstitutional. Only some hard core Sheriffs have refused. Some of them like Sheriff Larry Dever have been murdered by the DHS using cutouts such as drug cartel partners. Others are pushed out of office, discredited or ignored.
Local police jurisdictions have all been surrendered to DHS and the Feds in exchange for machine guns, grenade launchers, vast amounts of ammo, armored cars and sometimes duffle bags of unmarked bills.
We know this for certain because there are first hand reports from credible informants including one Sheriff in Texas who refused.
Sometimes individual police chiefs and some Sheriffs have been convinced by duffle bags of unmarked bills by US Military men who are really sheep-dipped MK ops.
Current FBI tactics have become evil because of the War on Terror.
They have always been bad, but since the War on Terror they have descended to an all time low.
Iowa’s Senator Grassley found out just how crooked and debased the FBI was and made a valiant effort to change things. He tried to get Hoovers name removed from the FBI building and shake loose evidence denied in numerous cases. he was blocked at all turns in the road and eventually got the message. Disgusted he has backed off and given up on cleaning up the FBI.
Want to know more about FBI corruption, faked evidence (a common event), then do some deep searches on Philip Whitehurst, M.D., a well respected member of the FBI WFO Crime Lab, another great American Hero who refused to go along with massive corruption at the FBI. He had to take numerous efforts typically only used by Intel to keep from being murdered by the FBI. These included data caches that would be released upon his death and create Hell on Earth for the FBI for a while with some ruined top brass who would have been arrested or would have had to at least resign or be fired.
Here are some of the current FBI tactics gained through Israeli anti-terror training going all the way back to Murrah and the first Trade Center bombing done by the FBI’s “Blind Sheik”.
The actual origins of this go back even much further, many years back to the so-called Islamic attack and murder of the Israeli athletes at the Olympics and the first Stateside terror bombing at an airport, both done by the NATO linked Gladio-Nazi “left behind army” on behalf of the Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Of course we know of one good and honest FBI Director, William Sessions. He bucked the system and tried to clean it up.
Here is what was done to him to get the message across that he better back off. He was led out by his handlers right across an area of the sidewalk that was sprayed with “instant banana peel”. He fell and broke his elbow and then got the message to back off which he did. Then he was fired and wrongly smeared by President Clinton who was doing what his handlers told him to.
Some believe his successor became a cover-up agent for the Sandusky Pedophile affair scandal which allegedly went all the up to the highest echelons of the USG. Big Donors to Penn State were allegedly given access to little boys to use sexually”. The FBI not only did a poor job investigating, but actually ran the cover-up which is in place even today with a lot of young victims who were damaged for life and never recompensed in any way, although a few have received compensation since the scandal broke wide open in 2011.
One notorious case of FBI corruption involved a man on the run from the FBI. He was “holed up” in a church and was threatening to commit suicide. He had information that would expose a current major CIA operation related to a nationwide pedophilia network.
The FBI negotiated with him and convinced him his story would be heard and he would be treated fairly. One special agent went in alone and convinced him to give up his gun, which he handed to the special agent. That special agent caught the man off guard with his smooth words and then quickly put the gun up to his head and pulled the trigger and then wiped it clean. He claimed the man would not hand over the gun and had committed suicide.
Or take the Boston Bombing patsies, the Tsarnaevs. Nobody was wounded or died at the scene of this staged, faked event. The only persons who died related to this fake terror was one Tsarnaev brother, Tamerlin and their friend from Florida Ivragin Todashev. Todashev was murdered in cold blood by the FBI because he refused to lie and participate in the frame-up of the Tsarnaevs.
Both men were murdered by the FBI in premeditated cold blood. Tsarnaev was run over by the FBI, and the Florida man Todashev was shot by the remaining FBI agent after the other four special agents left the room.
It was of course claimed by the FBI special agent shooter that the Florida man Todashev made an aggressive move on him. Nobody believes this lie except for the sheeple who believe everything published or broadcast in the Controlled Major Mass Media (CMMM).
What can be learned from this? If the FBI ever approaches you don’t make any fast moves, never talk to one of them alone without an attorney present, and never trust any of them ever. If the FBI ever asks you if you are carrying a gun or have one (during search warrant) and ask you to show them, do not do this because they are likely to shoot you and claim you made an aggressive move, especially if you touch the gun, uncover the gun or make a move toward it in any way.
Take the FBI’s notorious Hostage Rescue team (HRT), some seriously messed up mind-kontrolled stone-killers that especially love to murder women and children like they did at Ruby Ridge and Waco. Real tough guys when they have women and children surrounded. Of course they wouldn’t act so tough if they faced Russian Spetznaz, were pinned down by hundreds of Patriot snipers in self-defense who had enough of their sniping and murdering of civilians, or faced an A-10 Warthog or armored cars like they use. “Honed to kill” doesn’t work very well against these things.
You guys ought to be ashamed of doing the dirty work for the Khazarian Mafia private central Banksters and serving as their enforcers. Because you have been so mind-kontrolled and play your scripted part so well, you cannot see the forest through the trees of what you are really doing, why and who you really represent. And it is not We The People, that pay your salary be clear about that.
It’s time for you to pull back the curtain and examine OZ and stop serving the KM Beast. Do not accept any more illegal, unConstitutional orders like you did at Ruby Ridge and Waco. You have no legal obligation to obey the Larry Potts of the FBI anymore and may someday be held completely responsible by an angry, fed-up public that has taken its nation back from the KM.
The Weaver family terminally impacted at Ruby Ridge. Vicki top center and her son Sammy below center were murdered in cold blood by the Feds over nothing but a faked, rigged failed entrapment setup. the Feds fired first and killed Sammy. Then later HRT Lon Horiuchi murdered Vicki pre-meditated but was able to get off of a trumped down manslaughter charge. This is no way to treat a former Green Beret Veteran who was stationed at Fort Bragg.
At Ruby Ridge, HRT special agent Lon Horiuchi shot Vicki Weaverthrough the jaw and neck and murdered her in cold blood while she was unarmed holding her baby. Eventually he was tried for manslaughter, but walked when he should have been convicted of first degree murder, along with scumbag Larry Potts who set the rules of engagement and ordered him to murder anyone who appeared outside the cabin and could be hit.
No wounding shots, just shoot to kill head shots that is the HRT trademark and your rules of engagement, and you guys know it.
Vicki Weaver had done nothing wrong and that was shown later in a court of law, Weaver had been entrapped by a crooked fed, and his notice to go to court was never sent — an age-old BATF and US Department of Just-us trick.
That night after murdering Vicki Weaver, the FBI named their base camp, Camp Vicki, and celebrated her murder, high-fiving, dancing around with some of the most evil, twisted agents who had lost their souls repeating “we are honed to kill, honed to kill”.
And we know the HRT boys took great pleasure in sniping Branch Davidians trying to escape at the back of the Church and felt no remorse at all for burning all the little children, babies and mothers alive. And we know it was the BATF that shot first after killing the children’s dogs, then they opened fire on the Branch Davidians who the fired back in self-defense. David Koresh went into town each day for breakfast and could have easily been arrested there.
The raid was just not necessary but was designed to help the BATF get funding and show their might and power. Ruby Ridge and Waco were clear evidence of tyranny and terror inflicted on the American people by an out of control USG and signaled the start of a massive program to terrorize the American people.
Here’s a good assignment for the HRT boys, if they want to redeem themselves. Go and arrest the real perps who did 9-11-01. But first surround them, harass them with high decibel sounds of rabbits and pigs being butchered, and Nancy Sinatra’s song “These Boots are Made For Walkin”, snipe them and burn them out the way you tortured, gassed and then murdered the women and children at Waco. It shouldn’t be too hard for you to do that.
All the current horrors of American LE including the evil, anti-American DHS are all due to the USG’s obsession with terrorism after Murrah, the Blind Sheik and the attack on America on 9-11-01.
And without a corrupt, bought off, blackmailed and completely compromised US Congress, Administration and Judiciary 9-11-01 could not have been deployed in the first place, nor would America have become a fascist police state, which GHWB referred to as “an iron fist in a velvet glove”.
Yes, these USG officials have failed to keep their Oaths of Office and have allowed the Alphabets to become corrupted and then taken over by a foreign entity, the KM and Israel whom they gladly serve without knowing it. And sadly it all goes back to 1913 when our Traitorous Congress and POTUS allowed America’s monetary creation and distribution system to be hijacked by the City of London private central Banksters.
The final goal of all this is for DHS to transform America into their own new Police State directly controlled by the KM and Israel, and such will best be referred to as GAZA II. Once America has been transformed into GAZA II, then Americans will become the New Palestinians and will have all their land stolen piece by piece; and American citizens will be genocided just like the Palestinians are being mass-murdered right now.
The attack on America on 9-11-01 has now resulted in almost the complete transformation of America into a Police State obsessed with terrorism of all kinds and especially domestic terrorism, which means any American dissent or attempt of We The People to take control of America back from the KM.
The facts of who actually attacked America on 9-11-01 are now indisputable and available to all with an open mind on the worldwide Internet, the world’s New Electronic Gutenberg Press. And we know Israel did it with the assistance of the US Administration, JCS, USAF, NORAD, the FAA and all the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors embedded therein, aka the PNACers and Top NeoCons. It was VP Dick Cheney who ran the stand-down and authorized the 19 defense exercises designed to confuse everyone.
Its high time we break up the CMMM monopoly and make certain that our mainstream media carry truthful reporting instead of the constant lies it now carries. In fact it cannot tell the truth right now because it only represents the wealth establishment and KM special interests, never the interest of the American people.
It is time to prosecute all those involved in attacking America on 9-11-01. And it is time to boot all the rest of the Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizen Traitors including the PNACers and top NeoCons, AIPAC Directors and ADL chiefs out of America and deport them back to Israel, the nation they serve and are primarily loyal to.
Don’t look to Ted Cruz or Marco Rubio to help us get rid of the DHS and drive out the KM owned and controlled Traitors in our high position of government. And it looks like all the rest of the candidates may be compromised too by AIPAC, except for Donald Trump. So far we just don’t have enough information to make a determination about him, but he has taken some promising positions.
Other articles by Preston James can be accessed by clicking on his masthead at the top of this article.
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